- Aug 21 Tue 2012 15:46
windows 7 便利貼
- Aug 21 Tue 2012 11:47
windows7 內建的自黏便箋(便利貼) 的備份方法
直接將 C:\Users\wbkuo\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Sticky Notes\StickyNotes.snt 檔案備份,還原時直接覆蓋回去就好了
- Aug 21 Tue 2012 11:19
[未解決] 工作排程器出現:選取的工作"{0}"已不存在
- Open Task Scheduler and click OK when prompted with the error. It may seem like you are receiving the same error over and over, but this is really due to the number of tasks which are broken. Make a note of the number of times you are prompted with the the selected task "{0}" error. This is the number of task files that are out of sync with the registry.
- Start with the first folder under Windows tasks (Task Scheduler(Local)\Task Scheduler Library\Microsoft\Windows) and select each folder in turn until you receive the the selected task "{0}" error. This folder contains files that are not in sync with the task scheduler.
- Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the tasks file folder (%SystemFolder%\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows) and find the folder which corresponds to the folder in which you received the error.
- For some tasks you will be able to determine which files need to be deleted by comparing the list in the Task Scheduler with the list of files in Explorer. Some tasks will only have a single file in explorer, or, in one case I had 2 and the first was missing. Once Task Scheduler encounters this error it will no longer display tasks so it makes the job of getting the two in sync a little more difficult. Once you have determined which files exist in the File Folder but do not exist in the Task Scheduler folder, delete those files.
- IMPORTANT - Close and Re-open Task Scheduler. Once the error is encountered, Task Scheduler no longer displays the tasks so you need to close it and restart in order to continue your synchronization effort.
- Continue to select folders in Task Scheduler under Windows tasks until you encounter the error again and repeat the process of determining which file exists on the file system, but not in Task Scheduler.
- Aug 16 Thu 2012 10:41
jQuery ajax 傳遞陣列到 PHP
呼叫 ajax
<script src='/sys/lib/js/jquery.js'></script> <script> /* 一般陣列 */ var arr1 = []; arr1[0] = 1; arr1[1] = 3; arr1[3] = 8; /* 有 key 的陣列 */ var arr2 = {no0:'哈,哈',no3:'1,23'}; /* 二維陣列 */ var arr3 = [ {id:1,type:3}, {id:3,type:2}, {id:1001,type:3} ]; $j.ajax({ url: 'http_ajax.php', cache: false, dataType: 'html', type:'POST', data: {arr1:arr1, arr2:arr2, arr3:arr3}, error:function(){alert('Ajax request 發生錯誤');}, success: function(res){alert('Ajax success!');} }); </script>
接收的php: http_ajax.php
<? print_r($_POST); ?>
- Aug 13 Mon 2012 18:45
[php] 判斷陣列為一般陣列或是索引陣列
<? $a[] = 1; $a[] = 1; $b['a'] = 1; $b['b'] = 1; if (is_key_array($a)) echo "a"; if (is_key_array($b)) echo "b"; function is_key_array($arr) { return is_string(key($arr)); } ?>
- Aug 10 Fri 2012 09:33
好用的 console.log
之前一直好像有聽過這個東西,可是一直沒試過,今天試了一下發現對 Debug 來說真是太好用了
<script> /* 列印物件 */ var a = {id:1, name:"wbkuo", age:18}; console.log(a); /* 可用 printf 的顯示方式 */ var b = "cool"; var c = "tool"; console.log("console.log is %s %s", b, c); /* 計算開始與結束時間 */ console.time("test") for (var i=0; i<1000000; i++) ; console.timeEnd("test") </script>
- Aug 06 Mon 2012 11:24
在 shell script 裡對 mysql 下 sql 指令
作法 1:直接在 shell sciprt 裡下 SQL
#! /bin/sh
mysql -u root -ppassword test << EOFMYSQL
- Aug 01 Wed 2012 14:32
NFS 分享
- Jul 31 Tue 2012 12:52
- Jul 31 Tue 2012 09:37
Mysql 啟動時出現 Timeout error occurred trying to start MySQL Daemon
問題:service mysqld start 時出現錯誤訊息 Timeout error occurred trying to start MySQL Daemon